
YouTube Turns into One-Stop Shop for Cyber Criminals

Proofpoint recently confirmed they found tutorials on the popular video streaming site, YouTube. The tutorials show how to set up phishing kits and start the scamming process. These videos have been hosted on YouTube for months. This is concerning because apparently YouTube does not have a monitoring system in place to moderate their videos. Therefore, […]

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Pennsylvania Statewide Voter Ballot Recount After Malware Concerns

Ballot Recount May be Court Ordered for Pennsylvania A computer expert from the University of Michigan has released concerns regarding the possibility of malware manipulating electronic voting ballots. These fears are not new. Several people expressed concern regarding the security of voter booths when we held a public poll. However, now the Green party is attempting

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New Ransomware Found – Russians Are Suspected Creators

New Ransomware, Telecrypt, Released Into the Wild A new ransomware variant was recently found.  BleepingComputer reported the variant, named Telecrypt, requires an internet connection to infect computers.  Telecrypt uses Telegram and command and control servers to execute its infection.  To infect PCs the ransomware requires a binary to launch.  Upon launch, and there is a confirmation process of

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East Baton Rouge School Loses Thousands In Phishing Scam

According to The Advocate, East Baton Rouge Parish school lost $46,500 in a phishing scam, which requested three transactions be wired to different banks in New York.  The scam took place in May, and was caught within days of the transactions.  Fortunately for the school, the final $25,000 transaction was able to be stopped.  The school was

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Affordable Healthcare Act Insurance Recipients Targeted By Scammers

Scammers Portray IRS – Scamming Affordable Healthcare Act Insurance Recipients It’s not surprising that scammers are once again portraying the IRS.  According to News 4 JAX, scammers are targeting individuals who receive insurance through the Affordable Healthcare Act.  The scammers are emailing, texting, and even sending physical mail to these individuals claiming they owe the IRS money for

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Hackers Welcome: Microsoft Security Hole Remains Unpatched

A security vulnerability within the Microsoft software has been exploited and there is yet to be a patch to fix the issue.  Fortune reported Google notified Microsoft of the security issue on October 21st.  Typically when a vulnerability is found by Google, they provide 60 days for a patch; however, since this particular vulnerability has already

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Hackers Boost Sophistication With Fake Microsoft Security Essentials BSoD Attack

Hackers are now using advanced methods to distribute malware… Hackers have found new ways to copy notifications from what users would consider safe programs.  The latest example of this is the blue screen of death (BSoD) that appears after users attempt to download a fraudulent version of Microsoft Security Essentials.  Microsoft does have a BSoD alert that

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