By Allen Wyatt for Excel.Tips.Net
When the information you have in worksheet won’t fit on a single page, Excel automatically breaks it up—at row or column boundaries—and prints the information on multiple pages. You can control the order in which Excel prints pages.
For instance, let’s say the information in your worksheet is both too wide and too long to fit on a single sheet. Instead, the printed material will take four pages to print. The first page printed will always be the information at the top left corner of the print area. You can control whether Excel prints the information beneath page one as page two, or the information to the right of page one as page two. Follow these steps:
1. Select the Page Layout tab of the ribbon.
2. Click the small icon in the lower-right corner of the Page Setup group. Excel displays the Page Setup dialog box.
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This post is excerpted with permission from Excel.Tips.Net
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