Integration Marketplace

PC Matic's open ecosystem makes it easy for partners to expand their cybersecurity solutions.
Starting at
$150.00 /yr
Windows 7+ macOS 10.12+ Windows Server 2008R2+

Improve Your Cybersecurity Position

Enhance any cybersecurity stack with seamless integrations across dozens of partner platforms.
Hassle-Free Allowlisting

Block unknown threats with our patented Global Allowlist without putting your organization at risk to zero-day attacks.

Two-Way IoC Communication

PC Matic communicates indicators of compromise with SIEM, EDR, MDR, and XDR platforms to proactively shut down threats.

Improve Compliance

Fulfil more requirements of local, state, and federal regulations by complementing Detect and Respond with Zero Trust.

Fulfil 4 of the 5 layers of the NIST CSF with PC Matic and your favorite SIEM, EDR, XDR, or MDR.

Integration Partners

Featured Technology Alliances

MDR Integrations

Leverage PC Matic's API to ingest threat analysis for enhanced visibility into IoC

SIEM Integrations

Universal SIEM integrations deliver enhanced visibility into organization security gaps, IoC, and proactive threat analysis

IDP Integrations

Universal Saml SSO integration allows organizations and agency IT teams to utilize SSO credentials from major IDP providers to access the PC Matic management console
"It seems that the extended security community has come to a consensus that application whitelisting is one of the most important security technologies/techniques an organization can and should implement."
Department of Homeland Security (AWL): STRATEGIC PLANNING GUIDE

Absolute Prevention Begins with Zero Trust

Are You Protected?