Files You Must Backup to Survive a Hard Drive Crash


Files You Must Backup to Survive a Hard Drive Crash

I am fairly sure every single user has experienced hard drive failure at one time or other. That is why backup software is very popular with users. Backing up allows you to be able to recover and get yourself back into the swing of things smoothly and quickly. The key question is – which files, other than our personal data, should we back up to recover from a hard drive crash? This article goes through which files we should back up in Windows 7 and 8 (should also apply to Vista, but XP is a little different when it comes to user folder locations).

Back Up Your Personal Files

The most obvious files that should be backed up on a regular basis are personal files; the ones that are irreplaceable or will make you spend countless hours recovering. These files are mainly found in “C:\Users\[Username]“.

‘My’ Folders

This includes Documents, Music, Pictures and Videos – e.g. your office work or that novel you are writing, family photos and home movies and your entire music collection.


Your Desktop

Many people save files to their desktop instead of My Documents, but it’s just as important to back these up. They are located at “C:\Users\[username]\Desktop”

Article Continued Here

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