3 Great Resources for Deleting Unwanted Online Accounts
by Jim Hillier for Daves Computer Tips
The good folks at Dave’s Computer Tips point out 3 great services that help you ditch those unwanted online accounts without all the hassle.–PC Pitstop.
Creating online accounts in order to take advantage of services on offer is all well and good but what to do when a particular account is no longer needed or wanted. Some sites/services make it very easy to delete a redundant account, others put users through the hoops, and some make it darn near impossible. Thankfully, there are several online services which can help with the chore of deleting unwanted accounts.
We’ve mentioned a couple of these services previously here at DCT, AccountKiller is one of the better known…
Delete Your Account
Another is Delete Your Account:
These excerpts are shared with permission from davescomputertips.com.