Moving Drivers Between PCs
by Mitz from
Updating drivers can be tricky and in the rare occasion you need to copy a driver from one PC to another — be very careful.
–PC Pitstop.
There are only two common situations where you might need to move a driver from one computer to another: moving a driver from a computer with Internet access to a computer without Internet access and copying an obscure driver which you can’t find anywhere else from a computer which has it to a computer which doesn’t have it.
I do not recommend most other situations where you copy drivers from one computer to another. There are too many things which can go wrong. Copying all of the drivers from one computer to another computer, even if it has the same hardware and the same version of Windows, can break your computer so that it won’t even boot into safe mode.
The Easiest Way To Copy Drivers From One Computer To Another-Article Continued Here
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