UPDATE- Enigma Software Vs. BleepingComputer Suit

BleepingComputer just filed an interesting countersuit against Enigma Software…

Some may recall, Enigma Software issued a lawsuit against BleepingComputer about six months ago regarding a review that one of their independent bloggers had written, which in turn favored another product.  Any updates on this particular case have been quite minimal until recently.  Yesterday, Softpedia publicized that the owner of BleepingComputer, Lawrence Abrams is filing a countersuit against Enigma for an alleged smear campaign.

BleepingComputer is confident that Enigma is using their trademark in various websites to label them as malicious.  Claims report Enigma is using Bleeping’s trademarks and content from their site to generate traffic, then reporting Bleeping’s Rkill and Unhide software are viruses.  The claims then state Enigma has the solution to “fix” these issues.

Things are getting ugly folks.  We will keep you posted as the suit progresses.  In the meantime, we want to hear your thoughts!  Do you feel like either suits are warranted?


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