Welcome Chris Pirillo


Wake the kids, phone the neighbors! PC Pitstop is proud to announce a new partnership with Chris Pirillo. Chris is the founder of the tech blogging network, Lockergnome and previously served as host of TechTV’s Call for Help show. Chris’s insightful and entertaining how to videos will now be featured in the PC Pitstop newsletters and highlighted at techtalk.pcpitstop.com and pcpitstop.com.

More about Chris…

Chris Pirillo has been participating in Internet conversations since 1992, having launched Lockergnome.com as a content publishing network and building Gnomedex to be one of the blogosphere’s highly regarded conferences. He publishes a personal blog and lifecast to tens of thousands of viewers, and is a top subscribed partner on YouTube. When searching Google for “Chris,” his site is listed as the first result. He’s a monthly columnist for CPU Magazine, and has authored books on business and personal technology. Chris also produces weekly video segments for CNN.com Live, where he offers tech advice to a savvy audience.

Having recorded over 1,000 videos in the past year, he cracked the “Top 100″ most subscribed throughout the whole of YouTube. His live stats are even more impressive: over 5 million unique live video viewers watched Chris do his “thing” in 2007 – a total of 2+ million LIVE viewer hours with an average viewing time of 25 minutes per visitor. In the month of August 2008, stats from the live video feed were recorded at 279,878 Viewer Hours, 1,141,472 Viewers, 827,159 Unique Viewers, 395.5 Average Viewers, 707 Hours of live broadcasting.

His daily email newsletter goes out to 100,000+ confirmed opt-in subscribers. He launched what is now a prolific blog network in 1996, and started hosting
his own tech conference series in 2001. The blog has 40,000 readers, his YouTube channel has 60,000 subscribers, and he has over 40,000 followers on Twitter.

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