
Bob Rankin: Time To Upgrade Your Browser?


If I had to guess the most-often used piece of software on most computers, I would have to go with the Web browser. The Internet is an integral part of most people’s computing experience these days, and the browser is the primary app for interacting with the online world. So it’s surprising to me how lax some people are about keeping their Web browsers up to date. Here’s why that’s so important, and how to get it done…

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Bob Rankin: How To Track or Locate a Cell Phone


There are many reasons you might want to locate a cell phone and track its movements. Perhaps you lost your phone and would like it back. You might be an anxious parent, a government agent, or you could be part of a group of friends who want to keep tabs during a night on the town. Whatever your reason for tracking a cell phone, there are several ways to go about doing it. Here’s the scoop on cell phone tracking…

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