Excel.Tips.Net: Checking for Duplicate Rows in Microsoft Excel

By Allen Wyatt for Excel.Tips.Net

Checking for Duplicate Rows Based on a Range of Columns in Microsoft Excel

Jennifer has a lot of data in a worksheet, and she considers some of the rows to be duplicates. She determines whether a row is a duplicate based upon whether a range of columns in one row is identical to the same range of columns in the previous row. For instance, if all of the values in F7:AB7 are identical to the values in F6:AB6, the Jennifer would consider row 7 to be a duplicate of row 6. She wonders if there is a way that she can easily check for such duplicate rows and highlight the duplicates in some manner.

One approach to this problem is to utilize the conditional formatting capabilities of Excel. If your data is in rows A1:AZ100, then select the range You could then use the following as a formulaic test within your conditional format:


If your conditional format applies a color to the cells, then you’ll see the color appear anytime the values in columns F through AB are equal to the values in the same columns of the row directly above the one that is colored.

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