Fixing an Outlook PST File that is Too Big

Fixing an Outlook PST File that is Too Big

By Terry Stockdale for

Microsoft Outlook stores its emails is .pst files, if you aren’t using a corporate-type Microsoft Exchange Server mailserver system.

One big problem that users have run into is that Outlook 2000 and 2003 won’t work with a PST file larger that 2 GB. Outlook 2007 and 2010, on the other hand, use a different file format (UNICODE, instead of ANSI) and are limited to 50 GB.

Neither are the problem of Keith Fowler, who wrote:

Hi Terry,
Thank you for your newsletter.
My Outlook pst’s are getting very large – for example my main archive pst is around 20gb !! Is it possible to archive the oldest parts of the archive into another archive for the very old mail ? My mail goes back many years but believe me I do very often refer back to even the oldest mail. Its an essential tool for my business.
Any suggestions ?

I wrote back to Keith to say that I didn’t know.

I suggested that he check the Outlook help file and do some Google searching. I don’t use Outlook for email, except in my “day job” and I haven’t had the need there (we use the EAS archive system, which works with Microsoft Exchange).

Article continued here…

This post is excerpted with the permission of Terry’s Computer Tips.

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