Fixing an Outlook PST File that is Too Big
By Terry Stockdale for
Microsoft Outlook stores its emails is .pst files, if you aren’t using a corporate-type Microsoft Exchange Server mailserver system.
One big problem that users have run into is that Outlook 2000 and 2003 won’t work with a PST file larger that 2 GB. Outlook 2007 and 2010, on the other hand, use a different file format (UNICODE, instead of ANSI) and are limited to 50 GB.
Neither are the problem of Keith Fowler, who wrote:
Hi Terry,
Thank you for your newsletter.
My Outlook pst’s are getting very large – for example my main archive pst is around 20gb !! Is it possible to archive the oldest parts of the archive into another archive for the very old mail ? My mail goes back many years but believe me I do very often refer back to even the oldest mail. Its an essential tool for my business.
Any suggestions ?
I wrote back to Keith to say that I didn’t know.
I suggested that he check the Outlook help file and do some Google searching. I don’t use Outlook for email, except in my “day job” and I haven’t had the need there (we use the EAS archive system, which works with Microsoft Exchange).
This post is excerpted with the permission of Terry’s Computer Tips.