Log Into Windows 8 Automatically

Log Into Windows 8 Automatically

By Leo Notenboom

Learn how to Log Into Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista automatically.–PC Pitstop.

I just received a new computer with Windows 8.1. When I boot it up, it asks me for a password. I am the ONLY user on this computer. It is mine and mine alone. I don’t want to type in my password each time that I restart the computer. Is there some way to override this feature?

This is a very common question. The answer’s a bit buried, but it’s actually quite simple.

And for the most part, it applies not only to Windows 8, but Windows 7 and Vista as well.

In Windows 8′s tiled Start screen, just start typing

The magic word? –Article Continued Here

This excerpt appears with permission from Leo Notenboom.

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