
Survey Reveals IT Pros Lack Basic Knowledge and Best Practices

1 out of 10 surveyed, don’t know what phishing is… Granted, not everyone reading this will likely know what phishing is. However, not everyone reading this is likely making a living in the information technology industry. PC Matic recently conducted a password management and security best practices survey which included over 1,000 IT professionals. The […]

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DHS and FBI Publish Report Warning of New Trojan From North Korea

North Korean Hacking Group Releases New Trojan The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have issued a joint malware analysis report highlighting a new Trojan used by the hacking group, Lazarus, out of North-Korea. The report, published on the US-CERT website, stated the new Trojan, deemed Hoplight, was detected while

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Ransomware Attacks

North Carolina City Became Attacker’s Newest Ransomware Target

North Carolina City Offices Crippled by Robbinhood The City of Greenville, North Carolina, was struck with ransomware on April 10, 2019. The ransomware variant, called Robbinhood, left the city with no choice but to shutdown their networks. Fortunately, even with their networks offline, public safety systems remained in tact. The extent of the damage due

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Triton Threat Group Reappears in Second Critical Infrastructure Facility

Triton Wormed Their Way Into Another Critical Infrastructure, and Possibly Many More… The advanced hacker group, Triton, was responsible for an attack on a Saudi petrochemical plant in 2017.  The attack would have been successful in destroying the facility, except there was a bug in Triton malware’s coding. Now, years later, researchers have confirmed finding

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Security lock

Latest Malware Variant, Deemed Baldr, is Invisible to Users…

Advanced Malware, Baldr, Targets Key Locations to Extract Vital Data An advanced malware variant designed to steal information, deemed Baldr, is being sold on various cybercrime forums on the dark web.  The malicious software is sold for a mere $150, and appears to be carefully crafted.  Based on the research completed to date, the creators

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Cyber Crime Group Moves from Credit Card Skimming to Ransomware

Russian Hackers Move From Skimmers to Ransomware by Exploiting Vulnerable RDP Ports FIN6, a Russian cybercrime group that has historically focused on attacking point-of-sale (POS) devices to steal credit card data, is now expanding their portfolio into ransomware distribution.  Over the last three years, the hacking group has targeted the hospitality and retail industries, successfully

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Hackers Capitalize on Tax Season with Spread of Banking Trojan

Banking Trojan TrickBot Spreads Like Wildfire For years, cyber criminals have increased spam campaigns around tax time, in an attempt to make a quick buck.  This year is no different.  Cyber criminals have begun distributing the banking Trojan, TrickBot, through malicious emails fraudulently portraying tax and payroll services.  Researchers confirmed the malware has been used

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New Jersey Students Hack School WiFi Network to Skip Testing

It’s not the first time students breached a school’s network, and likely won’t be the last… ust last month, Michigan students hacked into their school’s system to change their grades and attendance records.  Then, an Ohio student broke into their school’s system using a teacher’s credentials, and used the access to create a “hit-list” of students that

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Computer Virus Software

Samsung Galaxy S10 Security Duped By 3D Printed Fingerprint

Reddit User Bypasses Samsung Galaxy’s Fingerprint Security with 3D Imaging The newly-enhanced fingerprint scanner feature in the Samsung Galaxy S10 is not as secure as the Korean company claims it to be.  Recently, a Reddit user who goes by darkshark9, found the scanner could be tricked into unlocking the device with the help of a

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