Search Results for: ransomware

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Connecticut Court Systems Taken Offline Post-Ransomware Infection

Connecticut Courts Riddled with Ransomware After being corrupted with ransomware, Connecticut court systems had no option but to take their systems offline.  Court staff members first realized there was a problem in their systems on March 9, 2018. The exact ransomware variant that infected the systems is unknown.  However, after investigation, court officials do not […]

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Ransomware Variants Double in 2017 – The Blacklist Cannot Keep Up

The Blacklist Cannot Keep Up with New Ransomware Variants In 2016, NextGov reported 1,419 ransomware variants, compared to 2,855 in 2017.  These are only the confirm malicious variants.  New strains are being created every minute of every day.  Therefore, knowing the exact number and exact coding of all malicious variants is impossible, which is why

Ransomware Variants Double in 2017 – The Blacklist Cannot Keep Up Read More »

The Blacklist Fails Again – Colorado DOT Corrupted with Ransomware

Update 4/6/2018: Six weeks after the ransomware variant, SamSam infiltrated Colorado DOT’s networks, systems are still not running at full efficiency.  The remediation cost have totaled approximately $1.5 million, and networks are only working at 80%.  The costs included in the estimate only include the overtime costs and other unexpected costs. Update 3/6/2018: This just keeps getting

The Blacklist Fails Again – Colorado DOT Corrupted with Ransomware Read More »

Ransomware Attacks

New Ransomware as a Service (Raas) Offered — FREE of Charge

New Ransomware Variant Spread Through Free RaaS Offering As if things couldn’t get worse, hackers have now acquired a free ransomware variant to distribute however they may like.  The latest variant deemed Saturn, is being offered as a Ransomware as a Service (Raas), free of charge.  This means, hackers are provided the malicious code.  From

New Ransomware as a Service (Raas) Offered — FREE of Charge Read More »

Ransomware Slows North Carolina County Offices to a Crawl

Ransomware Strikes North Carolina County Offices Another ransomware attack has been executed.  This time, the victim was North Carolina’s Davidson County.  Officials noticed an issue with their systems on February 16, 2018.  The malicious infection took down several county office networks, forcing employees to go back to pen and paper.  It remains unclear if the

Ransomware Slows North Carolina County Offices to a Crawl Read More »

19.5M California Voter Records Breached After Ransomware Infection

Sacramento Bee Ransomware Infection Exposes Millions An unknown ransomware variant infected the Sacramento Bee database on towards the end of January.  The ransomware infection was able to execute because the newspaper’s firewall did not turn back on after updates took place.  It is expected systems were vulnerable for two weeks; although, it remains unclear how

19.5M California Voter Records Breached After Ransomware Infection Read More »

Hackers Now Threaten School Shootings Post-Ransomware Infections

Cyber Criminals Stoop to New Low – Threatening Student Safety The FBI and Department of Education have issued a warning to educational institutions regarding the cyber threat, ransomware.  Ransomware is a malicious software that infects systems and locks important files.  After locking these files, the hackers demand a payment to unlock them.  In some instances,

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Is South Carolina a Major Ransomware Target? Another Infection Disclosed…

South Carolina Library Added to List of Ransomware Victims Just yesterday we reported on the third South Carolina school district that has been infected with ransomware in the past year.  Now, Spartanburg County Library has disclosed they too have been hit with ransomware.  Due to the ransomware infection, checking out books has been proven difficult. 

Is South Carolina a Major Ransomware Target? Another Infection Disclosed… Read More »

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Another South Carolina School District Attacked With Ransomware

Ransomware Attacks Third South Carolina School District Over the last year, three different ransomware attacks have successfully infected three different South Carolina school districts.  The first reports of Horry County Schools being riddled with ransomware came in February of 2016.  That school district gained approval to pay the $8,500 ransom demand in order to restore

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