Search Results for: ransomware

Latest Ransomware, Bad Rabbit, Takes the World by Storm

Third Global Ransomware Attack of 2017 First, there was WannaCry, which hit the globe in mid-May.  Second, came NotPetya in June.  Third, was the latest global ransomware attack, Bad Rabbit.  This ransomware variant is believed to originate in Russia.  However, it quickly spread throughout Ukraine, targeting various transportation systems.  Avast also reported infections in Poland,

Latest Ransomware, Bad Rabbit, Takes the World by Storm Read More »

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Enhances Security Functionality to Thwart Ransomware Attacks

New Microsoft Feature Added to Stop Ransomware Attacks Microsoft recently released a new product feature, controlled file access, in an attempt to increase the security of endpoints.  The concept of this technology runs on a default deny approach. Controlled file access allows users to control which files are able to be accessed and altered by

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Ransomware Demand Increases 2500%

Ransomware Sales Exploding on the Dark Web According to International Business Times (IBT), a new study was released confirming a significant rise in demand for the malicious software, ransomware.  The study showed 6,300 websites offering ransomware, with an additional 45,000 ads promoting the malicious software.  The price points ranged from $0.50 to $3,000.  The large

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NY Hospital Dumps $10M to Rebuild Systems After Ransomware Attack

Ransomware completely took over Erie County Medical Center’s (ECMC) computer systems in April.  The malware completely corrupted the systems, and the hackers demanded $30,000 in ransom if they wanted the systems restored.  Instead, the medical facility spent approximately $10 million to rebuild its systems.  Roughly half of those funds were the cost of hardware, software, and

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Computer Virus Software

128K Patients Potentially Impacted After Ransomware Hit

Arkansas Medical Facility Faces Potential Breach After Ransomware Attack An estimated 128,000 patient files may have been compromised as a result of being the victim of a ransomware hit.  In July, the Arkansas Oral Facial Surgery Center in Fayetteville was struck with ransomware.  Although the malicious attack was identified promptly, there were still patient files, x-ray

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