Search Results for: ransomware

Horse Racing Site Forced Offline After Third Consecutive Ransomware Attack

Three Strikes–You’re Out! Racing Pulse, a popular horse racing website that is based out of Bangalore, India, was forced offline on January 17, 2017 after suffering its third ransomware attack in a week.  The last, and most critical, encrypted their entire site. Dharma ransomware, the variant that took down Racing Pulse, encrypted all of the website’s data.  The […]

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Computer Virus Software

The Latest Ransomware Craze – Holding MongoDB Databases Hostage

As if our jobs as IT admins isn’t difficult enough, hackers have taken to finding misconfigured MongoDB databases, and are holding them hostage, until a ransom has been paid. Similar to traditional ransomware, where files on a computer are encrypted until a fee has been paid, databases, are being held hostage, instead. The modus operandi

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Four Months After Infection, Medical Facility Discloses Ransomware Attack

Ransomeware hit yet another medical facility.  On August 30, 2016, ransomware struck the Susan M. Hughes Center, impacted both office locations.  The Center is located in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania and Cherry Hill, New Jersey.  This attack impacted over 11,000 patient records.  However, the Center did not inform the patients of the security issue until late

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2017 Ransomware Attacks

2016 was deemed the year of ransomware.  However, experts do not see the attacks slowing down in 2017.  Throughout the year we will continue to update this list as ransomware attacks become public. January Los Angeles Community College District – California – Amount paid: $28,000 USD Kanawha County Schools – West Virginia – Did not

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Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware Offers Decryption Keys if Victim Educates Themselves on Cyber Security

Ransomware, malware that encrypts your files and holds them for ransom, has taken an interesting turn.  Typically after encryption, the cyber criminals make a payment demand in order for the decryption keys to be sent to the victim.  However, a new ransomware has hit the market that makes a slightly different demand. Ransomware Offers Free

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Ransomware – What is it?

Ransomware, or malicious software that encrypts your files, holding them hostage until you pay the ransom demand, took the IT world by storm in 2016.  On many different platforms, I have read about PC users falling victim to ransomware.  Many of these cases are certainly true; however some I have found are actually support scams,

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Another California Medical Center Struck With Ransomware

Ransomware Strikes Another California Medical Center This has been a rough year for California medical institutions being victimized by ransomware.  Another medical facility, East Valley Community Health Center, located in West Covina was struck with ransomware in October of 2016.  Reports by Health Data Management state the facilities computer systems were fixed within a day of the

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Ransomware Holds South Carolina Police Department Files Hostage

Mount Pleasant Police Department, located in South Carolina, were the most recent victims of a ransomware attack.  The infection took place on December 12, 2016.  According to Post and Courier, the law enforcement agency was able to restore their files using their backup systems.  Therefore, they did not end up paying the ransom demands. To

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