Search Results for: ransomware

Cyber Security Hygiene Affects Network and Endpoint Security with Application Whitelisting

Application Whitelisting – Our Nation’s Solution to the Cyber Security Crisis

Application Whitelisting–Our Nation’s Solution? Application Whitelisting Cybersecurity. Never in our history has cyber security been a bigger threat than it is now.  Whether it is our computers, smart phones, tablets, televisions, smart watches, etc., they’re all at risk.  Malware and ransomware threats are becoming an increasing menace. How can we possibly secure our data against […]

Application Whitelisting – Our Nation’s Solution to the Cyber Security Crisis Read More »

Chain of Attack

How Your Facebook Can Lead To A Ransomware Attack I talk a lot about social media, cookies, and data mining. It’s not just here on Tech Talk either. My friends and family’s eyes glaze over when I start waxing poetic on always modifying cookie settings or locking down your Facebook profile. But I also believe

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Cyber Attacks on Hospitals

Cyber Attacks on Hospitals – Healthcare Halt Ends Amid Rising COVID-19 Cases

Honor Among Thieves Cyber Attacks on Hospitals. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many cyber hackers gave the impression that healthcare facilities would be “off limits.” They called a ceasefire of sorts on an already stressed out medical system. Unfortunately, that appears to be over. The halt was never widely publicized nor was it

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PC Matic Talks Cyberattacks

PC Matic Webinar Series Throughout the pandemic, PC Matic has brought you an array of topics discussed in our webinar series. From advice for providers to security issues for customers, we’ve tried to cover topics for everyone. But what about cyberattacks? Let’s delve a little deeper. In the latest of these videos, we go in-depth

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Securing Your Devices

The New Normal If we didn’t spend an enormous amount of time online before the pandemic, we certainly are now. Life has shifted. Laptops, tablets, phones, and all other internet connected devices are necessary tools for working and learning. Our connectivity is keeping us productive while we keep apart. But part of the reliance on

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School Attacks

Coming To Fruition Over the past week, reports have been flooding in about the cyber attacks schools are facing. North Carolina schools have been battling attacks since earlier this year, but it seems like no one location is the target. This was predicted by the FBI. Warnings are issued regularly. With the COVID-19 pandemic still

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