Search Results for: ransomware

Ransomware Attacks

Medical Facility Permanently Loses Patient Records Due to Cyber Attack

Florida Medical Facility Suffers Cyber Attack FABEN Obstetrics and Gynecology of Jacksonville, Florida, was the victim of a ransomware attack in November of 2018.  The ransomware variant, GandCrab, infected a server, encrypting patient files from January 2007 to April 2017.  The attack was executed through a malvertising campaign that targeted Adobe Flash or Windows VBScripting engine

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Cyber Attack Forces Akron to Take Down City Resource Number

The city of Akron, Ohio has been identified as the latest victim of a cyber attack… An unknown ransomware variant infected the city’s networks, targeting key hardware and software systems on January 22, 2018.  In an attempt to mitigate the spread of the malicious software, the city took systems offline — including their 311 information number. 

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All Whitelisting Solutions Are Not Created Equal

Whitelisting is Effective, but Automating is a Must… With cyber security threats growing, businesses must take a proactive approach to their data and device security.  According to SC Magazine, there is one methodology that has been proven to be effective in blocking modern cyber threats, including ransomware. “According to numerous resources on ransomware, one strong and

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Over a Year Later, WannaCry is Still a Major Issue

The First Global Ransomware Attack Wreaking Havoc — 18 Months Later When the first-ever global ransomware attack, WannaCry, took the world by storm, there was a kill-switch developed.  Meaning, if the ransomware attempted to run, it would first see if this kill-switch was available.  If so, it wouldn’t encrypt the files; but would remain dormant

Over a Year Later, WannaCry is Still a Major Issue Read More »

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Florida Town Avoids Paying Ransom After Hackers Attacked Network

Florida Town of Jupiter Suffers Ransomware Attack The Town of Jupiter has been able to restore their networks, and gain full functionality after an unknown ransomware variant encrypted their internal files earlier this month.  The exact ransom demand remains unknown, but town officials did state the ransom payment was not made.  Instead, IT professionals were able

Florida Town Avoids Paying Ransom After Hackers Attacked Network Read More »

Cyber Criminals Target University of Maryland Medical Systems

Another Medical Facility Targeted By Cyber Criminals The University of Maryland Medical Systems (UMMS) suffered a malware attack over the weekend.  According to officials, the cyber criminals executed the attack during the early hours of December 9, 2018.  Within hours of the malware being installed on the network, employees identified the malicious activity and took systems

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