Search Results for: ransomware

What to Expect With the Growing Internet of Things (IoT)

Technology continues to advance, as quickly as on a daily basis.  It can be hard to keep up with all of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including televisions, appliances, watches, phones, tablets, automobiles, and everything in between. IoT Devices Lack Security One of the biggest concerns as technology continues to advance, is the lack of security for

What to Expect With the Growing Internet of Things (IoT) Read More »

Cyber Security Hygiene Affects Network and Endpoint Security with Application Whitelisting

Application Whitelisting Cuts Cyber Crime by 85%

Whitelisting Cuts Targeted Malware Attack Success Rates By 85% According to a report generated by Cylance, the Australian government believes cyber crime can be cut by 85% with the implementation of application whitelisting.  The report states, “The Australian Signals Directorate has identified application whitelisting as the most effective strategy in its Strategies to Mitigate Targeted

Application Whitelisting Cuts Cyber Crime by 85% Read More »

Computer Virus Software

St. Louis City Public Library No Longer Offering Free PC Use

Update 1/27/2017: After two days, the St. Louis City Public Library technical staff was able to fix the impacted computers.  The system hard drives were wiped completely and restored with available back-ups.  The St. Louis City Public Library is currently unable to offer free computer use to the community due to a ransomware attack that

St. Louis City Public Library No Longer Offering Free PC Use Read More »

Contact a Cyber Security Expert to Learn about Application Whitelisting

Hackers Demand $43K To Restore Indiana Cancer Services’ Systems

Cyber criminals have hit a new low, proving they don’t care who their victims are as long as it may lead to a large payout.  According to Network World, hackers breached Indiana Cancer Services’ systems on January 10, 2017.  They then encrypted a server, followed by a ransom demand of $43,000 to restore this server.

Hackers Demand $43K To Restore Indiana Cancer Services’ Systems Read More »

Outdated OS to Blame For Latest NHS Cyber Attack?

NHS Hit Again… The largest medical facility in England, NHS, has been known as one of the largest targets for cyber security threats.  After being hit over and over again with various forms of malware, NHS was infected again on Friday, January 13, 2017. Although initial reports were of a ransomware attack, officials reported they do not believe the

Outdated OS to Blame For Latest NHS Cyber Attack? Read More »

Punishments for Cyber Criminals – Or Lack Thereof

We must find a way to catch cyber criminals who continue to victimize businesses and home computer users, worldwide.  Cyber criminals made $1 billion in ransomware payments alone in 2016. If and when these hackers are caught, what is an adequate punishment? Punishment For Cyber Criminals – Or Lack Thereof Krasimir Nikolova, a Bulgarian native, was extradited to the

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LA Community College District Pays $28K to Retrieve Locked Files

The first publicized ransomware attack of 2017 is a hefty one! After returning to school after the holiday break, Los Angeles Valley College found their computer files were inaccessible.  It didn’t take long for the college to determine it was a malicious cyber attack that took down their systems.  According to The Washington Times, the school notified

LA Community College District Pays $28K to Retrieve Locked Files Read More »