PC Matic Compared to PC Matic Pro
Often times, we get questions from potential consumers asking which security solution would best meet their needs, PC Matic or PC Matic Pro. To address this, we created the table below which provides the different features in each solution. Additional information regarding each feature is included below.
Automated Global Application Whitelist / Real-Time Malware Protection
Unlike other security solutions, PC Matic and PC Matic Pro function with application whitelisting as its primary method of malware detection. The whitelist that is used for both solutions is a global whitelist, meaning once a program is tested and deemed safe, it will be available for all subscribers. Our application whitelist methodology has been in use since 2011, and provides advanced, real-time protection against modern cyber security threats — including ransomware.
Vulnerability Scan & Patch Management
Often times malware worms its way into PCs by exploiting unpatched software vulnerabilities. We know this all too well, yet often times PC users still click the “Update Later” button, or close out of the alert all together. PC Matic and PC Matic Pro will take care of your patch management needs for 30 of the most popular software programs. As a part of each security scan, the security solution will conduct a vulnerability scan of your software. The security programs confirm these 30 software programs are running on the most updated version. If not, it will update the program for you. These programs include various Adobe programs, iTunes, and Safari to name a few.
Performance Optimization
Both security solutions enhance your PC’s optimization by:
- Defragments Disks
- Updates Drivers
- Cleans Registry
- Optimizes Solid State Drives (SSDs)
- Removes Junk Files
- Optimizes Broadband
- Updates Common Software Automatically
- Removes Unnecessary Start Up Apps
- Deactivates Unnecessary Windows Tasks
- Disables Resource Hogging Start Ups
- Fixes Software Vulnerabilities
Cloud Scheduler, Active Directory, IT Alert System, Responsive Cloud Interface & Automated Maintenance Reports
PC Matic Pro offers additional features beyond PC Matic.
- The cloud scheduler feature offers IT admins to schedule security scans and automate PC optimization features. This is offered through the cloud interface, which also provides remote access allowing for adjustments to be “on-the-go”. Within the interface, IT admins are able to see maintenance reports, generated after each scan.
- Server support with active directory services.
- IT alert system, designated contacts are given the options to receive notifications for eight different specified actions. When these actions take place, a notification is sent to the predetermined party. These actions include:
- High CPU Usage
- Running Low on HDD Space
- High Memory Usage
- Reboot Required
- Scheduled Scan Failure
- Scheduled Scan Not Run
- Virus Found
- Vulnerability Install Failed