PowerPoint Tips: 6 ways to get your presentations online

crop pictures in PowerPoint

By Ellen Finkelstein

Why you need to get your presentations on the Internet–and how

Get your presentation on the Web? Why and how?

I’ve come up with 4 reasons to put your presentations on the Internet and 6 ways to do it.

Why #1–as a handout for your audience at a live presentation

Let’s say you’ve given your presentation live and–

  • Some important audience members couldn’t attend
  • People who did attend would like to have your presentation as a handout
  • You want people to have continued access to your presentation so they can review it and learn more from it
  • STOP! Don’t print out your slides! If you used the Tell ‘n’ ShowSM Method (see “How to design more effective slides with the Tell ‘n’ Show(SM) method“), most of what you say isn’t on the slides in text, so people who get your slides won’t know what you said. (If you need to send your slides, I recommend putting the text of your presentation in the Notes pane in PowerPoint and sending Notes pages or using the Send to Word feature, which can also include the notes.) Printing also uses lots of ink and paper–why not post your presentation instead?

    Why #2–for marketing–to spread your message to the world!
    Would you like a larger audience? Sure! Unless you get paid to speak and don’t want your talk available for free everywhere, or your presentation is confidential/for a select audience, you probably would like more people to hear you. Some scenarios:

  • You gave a sales presentation and would like to expand your reach to more people
  • You spoke about an important idea and want the world to hear it
  • You want to use your presentation to let many people learn more about you

  • Why #3–to collaborate with colleagues
    Do you need to work with others to develop your presentation? Why not post it so everyone can work on it together!

    How much better is that than e-mailing back and forth incessantly and losing track of which version is the latest–and who has it!

    Article continued here

    This excerpt is shared with permission from ellenfinkelstein.com.

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