This is New — Ransomware Attacks Streaming Services
Ransomware has hit schools, small businesses, large conglomerates, churches, and medical facilities — but now reports have been made that a California radio station has been hit. KQED out of San Francisco was hit with ransomware late last week. The unknown ransomware variant took down the radio’s streaming services, and also blocked their email accounts.
According to All Access, normal broadcasting was not impacted, and the station’s streaming services were fully functional within 24 hours after being hit with the malware. Employees were using temporary email addresses to communicate with one another until their email services were unlocked. It is unknown if the radio station paid the ransom demands to get their streaming services functional. However, the FBI has been notified of the attack.
2017 Ransomware Attacks
This is the third ransomware attack in less than a week that has hit the news. Last week the University College London was hit with ransomware, as well as Waverly Medical Center.
To see a full list of ransomware attacks that have taken place in 2017, you can click here. We have also created a ransomware map, see below, of the ransomware attacks that have taken place in the U.S.