Ryuk Ransomware Riddles 11 Medical Facilities in Utah
In July, eleven of Utah’s Premier Family Medical clinics were infected with ransomware. After an initial investigation of the cyber attack, it was determined the hackers used the ransomware variant called Ryuk to corrupt Premier Family Medical’s networks. Ryuk, is a ransomware variant known to target large businesses with a heavy reliance on technology. Hackers target these businesses because they believe they have increased odds of receiving the ransom payment due to, in this case, the high technology reliance in the medical industry. At this time, the officials will not confirm or deny if they paid the ransom demands.
Now, two months post-infection, the medical facility is notifying 320,000 patients of a potential breach. Although it cannot be confirmed that the patient files were leaked, Premier Family Medical is doing everything they can to proactively inform patients.