By Allen Wyatt for Excel.Tips.Net
Sorting Graphics in Microsoft Excel
Did you know? Excel allows you to sort graphics along with the regular data in your tables. Here is how to do it…
You already know that Excel allows you to place graphics in your worksheets. You may not know, however, that Excel allows you to sort graphics along with the regular data in your tables. For instance, you could create an inventory table that has the requisite part numbers, descriptions, and quantities. You could also include a column that shows a small picture of each inventory item. When you later sort the table, the pictures sort right along with the rest of the data in the table.
If you can’t seem to make the graphics sort along with the other data in the table, keep these pointers in mind:
The graphics have to be sized so they fit completely within the cell. They cannot be taller or wider than the cell over which you placed them.
You should make sure that the sorting function is selecting the column in which your graphics have been placed. You can check this by seeing if the column is selected when you use the Sort tool on the Data tab of the ribbon.
This post appears with permission from Allen Wyatt and Excel.Tips.Net.