Are You an Easy Target for Identity Theft

Are You an Easy Target for Identity Theft

by Mitz from

Every 3 seconds, someone becomes a victim of identity theft. Find out if you are an easy target.
–PC Pitstop.

The latest Identity Fraud Report by Javelin Strategy and Research was recently released which revealed a staggering 12.6 million cases of identity theft in 2012 in the United States alone, which equates to 1 victim every 3 seconds.

You might be thinking that identity theft will not happen to you, however these shocking figures show that if there is an identity theft victim every 3 seconds, you definitely cannot presume you are safe. Criminals are preying on easy identity theft targets that either mistakenly share their personal details or get tricked into doing so.

Identity Theft Targets – Who Do The Criminals Prey On

Some groups of people are just easy targets for criminals to steal from but it is not always the elderly, as one often thinks. Many unsuspecting people are targeted for all kinds of criminal activity so it is now time to open all eyes.

Small Children

Children are seen as easy targets for many crimes but not many people think they would be targeted for identity theft. Unfortunately it is happening and they have proved to be the easiest identity theft target of all. Children as young as 6 months old can be victims of identity theft. Sounds crazy, but think about their clean backgrounds and clear credit profiles, not to mention no regular monitoring of their personal records.

In one case, a 14-year-old boy had a 10-year-old credit history that included a mortgage on a $605,000 house! This kind of story is starting to become common news.

Obviously a child cannot take steps to protect their identity and therefore it is the parents responsibility to step up to the plate. Even sharing a child’s social security number with a seemly innocent relative can land your their once clean identity in hot water.

Hospital records and Doctors
School records
Day care centers
Library cards
Sports team applications
Online social networks

Article Continued Here

This excerpt appears with permission from

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