GE has introduced new cooling technology that could mark the end of the road for those old, noisy PC cooling fans.
GE’s DCJ technology is an advanced cooling solution for the next generation of thinner, quieter and more powerful tablets, laptops and other electronic devices. These devices, as thin as a credit card, are half as thick as conventional cooling fans and use half the energy. And, GE’s technology is quiet, it is virtually inaudible to the ear.–grcblog/youtube
How loud is your PC?
Free Sound Meter App for Android Smartphones
Free Noise Meter App for Android Smartphones
Here is a list of common noises and their decibel levels:
Aircraft at take-off (180)
Fireworks (140)
Snowmobile (120)
Chain saw (110)
Amplified music (110)
Lawn mower (90)
Noisy office (90)
Vacuum cleaner (80)
City traffic (80)
Normal conversation (60)
Refrigerator humming (40)
Whisper (20)
Leaves rustling (10)
Calm breathing (10)