Hello all PC Matic users! First off, thank you for purchasing PC Matic and the confidence you are placing in us, PC Pitstop, to keep your PC’s running fast, stable, and secure. Thank you.
PC Matic is like no other PC maintenance tool. The key reason is PC Matic’s architecture is based on cloud computing. PC Matic behaves much more like a web site than a typical Windows application. For example, Google is always adding new features into its search application. There is no Google release 2.0. You just go to Google and the latest technology is always at your disposal. Simple.
The same is true with PC Matic. Each time you run PC Matic, it automatically updates with the most recent version. This allows us to add features on the fly. We can also fix bugs and tweak other issues all on the fly. You don’t need to do anything. We have received tremendous feedback on PC Matic, and we have implemented many new features since PC Matic’s launch. Since all of the updates are automatic, and the user doesn’t have to do anything, the only minus is sometimes users aren’t aware of all the new and cool features that have been placed in the product. Also, if you had a problem with PC Matic,most likely the issue has been fixed. Just rerun PC Matic. We’ll try to keep everyone up to date through this blog.
We ran a survey and one comment came back consistently. A lot of users like to run PC Matic, frequently and the user input screen pops up each and every time. It was frustrating and slowing down a lot of users. A very large design specializing in user experience told us to do it that way, but what do they know? Not much. So now the input screen only shows up during the first scan of a new computer, after that, the information is stored and can be updated via the options tab.
A very important feature of PC Matic is that it includes a 100% full blown anti malware engine. When I am diagnosing any new PC, I always want to see if they have any malware, and it is great to have it integrated into one scan. That said, many users already own their own anti malware solution, and the anti malware scan ads at least a minute to the overall scan time. There is now an a new option under scan options to disable to the scan.
Another great feature in PC Maticis an integrated defragmentation process. We believe that keeping your hard drive defragemented on a regular basis is critical for good PC performance. We recommend that your hard drive should be defragmented about once a month. We have learned that many users are running PC Matic far more frequently than that, so there is now an option to disable the defragmentation.
Here’s another new feature that I am really excited about. We call it Auto Fix. PC Matic, is already awesome because it has the industry’s only one-click Fix All, but you still have to click once to initiate the scan. Now with Auto Fix enabled, once you begin the scan, you can go get a cup a coffee and PC Matic will have scanned everything and fixed everything. Basically, we have achieved the holy grail with this new feature, One Fix. Check it out!
PC Pitstop has the best driver update technology in the world. It is a great feeling to keep your drivers up to date with the latest technology without having to constantly check the web or the deal with the multitude of driver installers. PC Matic takes care of all that for you. On the other hand, there are some out there that don’t want their drivers updated every time, and now there is an option for you too.
The PC Matic is anti malware engine is aggressive. That means that it errs on the side of removing potential problems. For the vast majority of people out there, including myself, we are fine. But some people, including some of our developers 😉 , like the risks of using torrents, wire sniffers, and the like. PC Matic now has the ability to configure which malware is removed from each scan. Furthermore, this information is stored in a permanent white list. Once it is on the white list, PC Matic won’t ever remove that program. The way to edit the white list permanently is through Options.
Netbook sales are on the rise. Personally, I would never own one, but my wife has one and she loves it. Since netbooks start off underpowered, they need PC Matic more than many computers. Here’s a tip for netbook users. The screen height of most netbooks is 600 pixels. That is the exact same height as PC Matic,but there is one little gotcha – the taskbar. The taskbar blocks the bottom part of PC Matic. In order to get around this, the taskbar should be hidden before PC Matic is initiated. Just right click on the taskbar and then choose autohide.
In conclusion, the main initial feedback was that users wanted much more control over what PC Matic is doing and also how much time it takes. Keep your eyes on this blog because we are working on many many more enhancements. In fact, we are just beginning. Thanks everyone for your support.