Windows 8 makes it easy to get rid of a program.–PC Pitstop
Uninstalling Programs from Windows 8
By Dave Taylor
The Question: I tried Classic Shell Start Menu on my Windows 8 computer as you suggested [see: Add a start menu to Windows 8] and it’s nice to have the Windows 7 start menu return. But… I want to just live in a Win8 world. How can I uninstall a program in Windows 8.1?
Dave’s Answer:
Glad you found that having a start menu return on Windows 8 to be both useful and a barrier to full adoption of the Windows 8 experience. The thing about the jump from Win7 to Win8 is that it genuinely is a big jump in the user experience, but if you can just stick with it long enough to get the hang of the charms bar and start screen, it’s really just as easy to use. In fact, with the considerably improved search system, I think it’s easier to do things in Win8 than it ever was in previous versions of Microsoft Windows.
I realize I might be in the minority with this opinion, however.
As always with Windows 8 / 8.1, I’ll accomplish the task by searching for what I want to accomplish: