Walmart Warns of Phishing Scam

Walmart Warns of Phishing Scam

By Stu Sjouwerman, for Security Awareness Training

Wal-Mart took special effort this week and warned customers of an unusually ‘high quality’ phishing email that tries to get personal and credit information. They stated on their corporate site: “There was a false email sent to a number of people this morning claiming to be from This email looks like a confirmation of a purchase made on, but is actually a phishing email attempting to gather information from the recipient,” they said in a statement. “Again, this email is not from and it is important that recipients do not click on any links in the email or respond in any way.” Here is how it looks, note the only immediate Red Flag you can see is the ‘wallmart’ spelling with 2 l’s in the ‘From’ address.


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