Windows Talk: Five Probable Causes for Your Data Loss

5 probable causes of data loss

Five Probable Causes for Your Data Loss

By Windows Talk

Data loss is one of the biggest fears of every computer user I know. Unfortunately it is one of those things that people often think will never happen to them. Therefore they are put in a situation of distress when they actually experience data loss, as most have obviously neglected to backup their precious.
Now days, with increased storage capacity available to everyone, data is being stored at an alarming rate. Even the average computer user has more than 1TB (terabyte) of data if they like to store home movies or family photos, like the average person does.

When this precious data is lost, it is nice to know what could have caused it and maybe next time we can avoid this problem.

#1. Hardware Failure

Of course this cause for data loss is a nightmare as you have no control over it. For example if your hard drive fails from the internal ball bearings being worn out, you cannot help this. A hard drive is a mere mechanical device that has working parts. This means that things can go wrong.

#2. Human error

Hey, we are all human after all and many of us delete files accidentally. In fact humans do a lot of stupid things that can cause data loss. You might spill a drink on your computer and blow up the whole thing, or maybe you might think you have saved files, when actually you haven’t.

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This excerpt is shared with permission from Windows Talk.

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