By Allen Wyatt for Word.Tips.Net
How to Use the Object Browser in Microsoft Word
Word includes a feature that allows you to look at your document in totally new ways. For lack of a better term, this feature is called the object browser, and it is manifested by three small tools just below the vertical scroll bar, in the lower-right corner of the screen. One of the tools looks like a double up arrow, and another like a double down arrow. The third tool looks like a small ball, and it is located between the other two tools.
If you click on the tool that looks like a ball, you will see a graphical menu with twelve options. These options allow you to change what the double arrow tools look for when you click on them.
What Are the 12 Options? – Article Continued Here
This post is excerpted with permission from Word.Tips.Net
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(for those using menu interface (Word 97, Word 2000, Word 2002, or Word 2003)