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Open files with PDF Converter Professional 5 - pdfplus.exe

PDF Converter Professional 5
Nuance Communications, Inc.

Open Extension With:

Name Extension
PDFPlus.Document .zeonsecuritysettings
Adobe Acrobat Document .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document .xfdf
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 .psd
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tif
JPEG Image .jpg
VLC media file (.bin) .bin
dat .dat
Microsoft Works Word Processor .wps
HTML Document .shtm
File Association Manager .uop
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet .xls
Encapsulated PostScript .eps
Outlook Item .msg
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document .doc
PaperPort Document .max
ASP.NET Server Page .aspx
System Monitor File .pma
Microsoft Office Word Document .docx
Paradox Table .db
WinRAR archive .gz
Microsoft Office Publisher Document .pub
Adobe Acrobat PDFXML Document .pdfxml
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Template .dot
Dialogic VOX file .ext
Rich Text Format .rtf
XPS Document .xps
Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File .csv
Adobe Illustrator Artwork 14.0 .ai
OmniPage Image File .xif
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document .fdf
PNG Image .png
Contact File .contact
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presenta .pptm
Adobe.DigitalEditions File .epub
IrfanView HEIC File .heic
There Login Data .tlg
HP Printer Control Language .prn
JPEG Image .jfif
TurboTax 2020 Document .tax2020
iCalendar File .ics
Text Document .txt
Adobe Acrobat Catalog Index .pdx
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation .pptx
Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet .xlsx
Active Server Page .asp
GIF Image .gif
MP4 Video .mp4
Microsoft Backup File .bkf
Compiled HTML Help file .chm
Adobe Acrobat Batch PDX files .bpdx
Windows Media Player .acrobatsecuritysettings
XPS Document .oxps
WinRAR archive .rar
Compressed (zipped) Folder .zip
Wireshark capture file .cap
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tiff
Executable Jar File .jar
Kindle Content .prc
iEPGファイル(PL) .pl
Adobe Content Server Message .acsm
Apple Device Software Update File .ipsw
MP3 Format Sound .mp3
DAZ Script (binary) .dsb
OpenDocument Spreadsheet .ods
C Source .c
Thunderbird Document .eml
IZArc LIB Archive .lib
HTML Document .htm
Adobe Acrobat XML Data Package File .xdp
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show .pps
Adobe Photoshop Elements Image .pdd
InDesign XML Interchange Document .inx
Serif PhotoPlus Picture .spp
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation .ppt
MHTML Document .mht
Software Installation Settings .zap
Dialogic VOX file .ex_
Neat Data File .nwdb
Macromedia Project File .apf
Quicken OFX data .qfx
DWG TrueView Drawing .dwg
Broderbund Banner .ban
OmniPage Image File .dcx
FinalMediaPlayer RM File .rm
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .mdi
Microsoft Office Word Template .dotx
MyPasswordManager.Document .apm
Acrobat User Interface .aaui
Dialogic VOX file .avif
TurboTax 2018 Document .tax2018
TurboTax 2019 Document .tax2019
WebP Image .webp
.XLSM file .pages
File Association Manager .pdfs
OpenDocument Text .odt
VLC media file (.vob) .vob
PowerISO File .dmg
Registration Entries .key
MPEG File .h264
TerraTec Language Support .lng
Presentations X3-Vorlage .prt
SVG Document .svg
Safari Download .download
PhotoCD Image .pcd
Flash AS Communication File .asc
PHP Script .php
JPEG Image .jpeg
SimPark File .prk
PTN File .ptn
PageMaker Publication .pmd
DocuWorks文書 .xdw
SureThing Office Labeler design .dsn
Windows Media Player .log-20181225
HP Graphics Language .plt
Dialogic VOX file .dl_
OmniForm Form .ofm
XFDL Document .xfdl
Msia File .dlg
PRO100 project .sto
TRL Document .t17
RailDesigner5 Document .rds
JNLP File .jnlp
MASM Listing .lst
IconDeveloper File .dll
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Template .xltm
JPEG 2000 Image .jp2
WildTangent PNG File .wpg
Quicken QDF backup data file .qdf-backup
OpenVPN Config File .ovpn
IrfanView ECW File .ecw
Open Virtualization Format Distribution Package .ova
WinRAR archive .7z
PostScript File .ps
XML Document .xml
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .xlr
vCard File .vcf
Icon .ico
File Association Manager .crdownload
IdPhotos Pro 4 .idp
LSM Bild .emz
Disk Image .do
FreeFileViewer TMP File .tmp
Dialogic VOX file .inv
FVG Project File .fg
Vip7 Package .pack
アルバムビューアー 配布用アルバムファイル .aae
Windows Media Player .nbak
File Association Manager .at5
TurboTax 2014 Document .tax2014
Cantax FormMaster 2020 Document .t20
TurboTax 2016 Document .tax2016
Layout & Editing .pes
Paragon Recovery Environment .re
Business Card Factory 2.0 .bcf
PageMaker Publication .p65
Effect File .fx
Omnic Spectral Files .spg
Punch! Home Design File .phd
RIS Formatted File .ris
Microsoft Rights Managed HTML Document .rpmsg
Nemetschek Allplan File .fil
VMed Document .vim
ZX Spectrum Tape Image .zxt
YUV תמונה .ithmb
Max JSON .json
File Association Manager .numbers
Video File .qm
File Association Manager .oeaccount
MHTML Document .mhtml
EMF File .emf
HTML Document .html
Bitmap Image .bmp
Microsoft Office Word Macro-Enabled Document .docm
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .wks
WMF File .wmf
Windows Media Audio/Video file .wmv
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Template .pot
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet .xlsm
Able RAWer (TIFF) .pef
Paintbrush Image .pcx
VLC media file (.ifo) .ifo
PyScripter project file .psproj
WinRAR archive .tgz
QuickBooks OFX data .qbo
Text Document .cfg
Broderbund Business Card .biz
IrfanView DCM File .dcm
Quicken QDF data file .qdf
WordPerfect X3-Dokument .wpd
AutoCAD DXF Image .dxf
Vbox License File .vlf
Quicken Import File .qif
WinGlucofacts Professional Patient File .dex
Adobe Fireworks STL File .stl
qwpfile .pfl
ACDSee Pro 3 JPEG Bild .thm
RollerCoaster Tycoon Track Design File .td4
WinRAR archive .z
OpenDocument Drawing .odg
Adobe Acrobat Rights Management Document .rmf
WinRAR archive .tar
Adobe ColdFusion File .cfm
WinRAR archive .bz
XML Schema File .xsd
VLC media file (.flv) .flv
TrueType Font file .ttf
Microsoft Works Database .wdb
STDUViewer WWF File .wwf
File Association Manager .sequ
Обменный текстовый формат векторной карты .txf
REQ File .req
Encrypted pdf file .pdfx
Hacha .0
QUALCOMM Hex Image .hex
EnCase Index File .index
StuffIt Compressed File .1
WhereIsIt? Catalog Group File .ctg
MyDatabase Document .edb
NEW File .new
OpenDocument Spreadsheet .123
Dialogic VOX file .tab
GameSpy Arcade Custom Service .apk
TurboTax 2021 Document .tax2021
Windows Media Player .log-20181220
TurboTax 2022 Document .tax2022
3CXPhone for Windows Configuration File .3cxconfig
Q Light Controller Plus Fixture .qxf
Dropbox feature .dbx-external-drive
Google spreadsheet .gsheet
Free Opener association .dropbox

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