Identity Theft Protection

Premium ID Theft protection for your whole family.

The perfect PC Matic companion

Family protection from IdentityForce allows you to protect the identity of your entire family just like PC Matic does for your devices. Live worry free while the experts monitor two adults and unlimited children.

Feature Comparison

Premium Protection

Per year

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Dark Web Monitoring

Included with PC Matic

Norton Lifelock

Per year

Social Security Number monitoring
Bank Account number monitoring
Credit Card number monitoring
Debit Card number monitoring
Driver's License number monitoring
Email monitoring
Identity threat alerts
Junk mail opt-out
Single bureau credit monitoring
Monthly single bureau credit report
Advanced fraud monitoring
Credit simulator
24/7 US customer service
Fully managed white glove restoration
Lost wallet assistance
Identity Theft Insurance $1M $25K
Stolen funds reimbursement $1M $25K
Coverage 2 Adults, Unlimited Children 1 Adult Family of 4
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IdentityForce is complete protection for your identity.

Continuous monitoring of your identity, privacy, and credit by using innovative and proactive identity theft protection technology. We'll detect illegal selling of your personal, financial, and credit information, providing robust monitoring required in today's connected world.
IdentityForce provides an early warning system rapidly notifying you when your personal information is at risk. Our alerts are sent to your smart phone, tablet, or desktop computer, so you have the power to act before damage is done.
When you want total identity control, count on IdentityForce. Understand your credit score, and where or how your online information is being used. Protect your keystrokes, PIN numbers, and credit card information.
Certified Protection Experts offer comprehensive, U.S.-based 24/7 recovery services. We'll complete paperwork, make calls, and handle every detail to restore your identity. And, you're covered by our nationwide $1 million identity theft insurance policy.

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