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Process Detail

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Welcome to the PC Matic Process Library. We maintain an extensive list of common processes running on today’s PCs. Within this library you can learn more about the processes running on your machine.

Process Library Detail

What is ymailadvisor.exe? Yahoo! Mail Advisor?

Vendor:      Yahoo! Inc
Product:     Yahoo! Mail
Vendor Website:
Last Seen by PC Matic:      No Data

Process is Bad PC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that there is a high likelihood that it is bad.
Process is questionablePC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that the safety of this process is questionable.
Process is goodPC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that there is a high likelihood that it is good.
Process is goodThis process is a Microsoft or Windows process, but many viruses use this file name to escape notice.

Purpose: YMailAdvisor.exe- Yahoo Mail Advisor is the part of yahoo messenger that when logged in and you have mail on that account, a little mail icon will show up in the bottom right corner of your screen near the time and it will say how many unread items you have.

ymailadvisor.exe uses excessive system and memory resources with no corresponding benefit. Applications such as these should be disabled to improve overall system performance.

ymailadvisor.exe is known to be a bad process. Learn more about protecting your PC from these bad processes with PC Matic.
ymailadvisor.exe could be a harmful process. Learn more about protecging your PC from these potential harmful processes with PC Matic.
This information brought to you by PC Matic. PC Matic's real-time protection, Super Shield, blocks ALL bad and unknown threats to keep your PC secure.
ymailadvisor.exe is a Microsoft or Windows process but some versions of this exe carry viruses.
Learn more about protecting yourself from bad versions of this file with PC Matic.

Percentage of recently scanned PC's with this process running: 0.13%
Average CPU use for this program: 0%
Average RAM for this program: 1 MB

Program Name MD5 Count

MD5 Hashes

# Status MD5 Revision Name Size
1 Status 0x7d21171da91a625692daa6e0f27d27b2 2/27/2019 9:26:00 PM Unknown Unknown Yahoo! Mail Advisor 170 KB
2 Status 0xdc42fa40848ce3d14308c4a1a80de3ad 1/23/2012 8:52:00 PM Unknown Unknown Yahoo! Mail Advisor 122 KB
3 Status 0xe88a451b2198aa3962b133a0c7f66847 8/14/2011 12:42:00 AM Unknown Unknown Yahoo! Mail Advisor 129 KB
4 Status 0xff66da8247b46133a446d683a5bd88b9 11/21/2008 2:59:00 AM Unknown Unknown Yahoo! Mail Advisor 122 KB
5 Status 0x995130c54abd58fff2cd3c61e2511826 10/27/2008 10:15:00 PM Unknown Unknown Yahoo! Mail Advisor 194 KB

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