Hunting for Your Client's Hidden Security Threats

Join the fight! Help find hidden software and threats. Don't let unknown applications undermine your client's security

What is PC Matic Bot Hunter?

PC Matic's Bot Hunter enables MSPs to join our quest to discover and eliminate bots and other unknown threats.

Detect Potential Bots

Bot Hunter detects potential threats and unknown processes actively running on your clients' devices.

Benefit: Stop unknown bots in their tracks from running on your devices.

Expedite Potential Threats

With a simple click, MSPs can expedite these potential threats to our research team for analysis within 24 hours.

Benefit: Clean your devices of threats and help others protect themselves thanks to your efforts.

Enhanced Visibility

Gain insights into the software and files on your clients' devices through Bot Hunter.

Benefit: Improves transparency, allowing MSPs to proactively manage client software environments.

Track Threat Submissions

View the status of all potential threat submissions you've made through Bot Hunter and get reports on how our malware researchers categorized each threat.

Benefit: Stack up your contributions to stopping foreign bad actors.

Software Insights

Bot Hunter is a centralized platform for comprehensive software management across your client base.

Benefit: Provides a centralized view, making it easy for users to understand exactly what software is actively running in their environment.

PC Matic Bot Hunter wants you to join the fight in finding unknown bots and other unknown threats. Help us in the cyber war against bad actors.